Extraordinarily effective and enjoyable dog training experiences, empowering you to create the canine companion of your dreams


tired of chasing your pooch all over the park?

certain you could have a better life with your canine companion but no idea how to achieve it?


It started with a dream… of a delightful dog, a lovely life with a loyal companion. The reality of bringing a pup into your home is (usually) not quite so picture-perfect!

Were you under the commonly-held illusion that 6 weeks of puppy training would result in a perfectly polite pooch, and now you’re wondering what went wrong? Tearing your hair out or tearing around like crazy behind your out-of-control adolescent? Lost one-too-many pairs of shoes to an over-enthusiastic chewer? Or simply lost the will to live? We could go on, but we won’t because…

help is here

We totally get it because we’ve been there too. In fact, Dakota and her first puppy were actually β€˜asked to leave’ training class and that (frankly shaming) experience led her to create a brilliantly better way to achieve co-operation without coercion, to restore your relationship and develop YOUR dog into the dog of your dreams.

Dog training classes for adults and children in Surrey and Hampshire

β€œNot just a good dose of doggy-training but also a deepening of the bond between dog and owner.”

Annabel & Edward lear, attendees

Dog training classes for adults and children in Surrey and Hampshire

"Dakota really knows her stuff and I would absolutely recommend her courses. We learned so much and both loved it!”

Julie and Barnaby-Poo, attendees

Dog training classes for adults and children in Surrey and Hampshire

β€œNot only for accomplished, confident dogs. Dakota is Incredibly Clever at bringing out the best in each individual – owners and pups alike.”

Sam & Teddy, attendees



An utterly transformative, tailored training experience, deliberately designed to create delightful dogs and happier humans…

Dog training classes for adults and children in Surrey and Hampshire

Incredibly Clever Training

Dog training classes for adults and children in Surrey and Hampshire

Even an apparently perfect puppy does not automatically evolve into an amazing adolescent… as any caregiver knows, raising a youngster to be an acceptable adult takes a little more work.

Did you want to give a rescue dog a second chance and are now wondering if you’ve made a terrible mistake, but still determined to make the difference to their life you believe is possible…

Perhaps you’re convinced you can’t teach your old(er) dog new tricks and you’re β€˜stuck with’ their behaviour for life?

We’ve got (fantastic) news for you!


Imagine a world where…

Your dog is polite in the park, pays attention to you, doesn’t embarrass you in the public and (best of all) shows the whole world what a terrific team you really are.

All of this is totally achievable and doesn’t have to involve hours of tedious, repetitive exercises! Social animals learn best through play and, whilst many trainers use play as a reward for good behaviour, at the Canine Circus play is woven into everything we do, making our training inherently rewarding for both you and your dog.

What’s more, we don’t simply train your dog, we teach you HOW to train your dog, building Incredibly Clever (and unbelievably useful) skills which translate seamlessly into your fabulous new life together.

That’s the magic behind our Incredibly Clever training!

Dog training classes for adults and children in Surrey and Hampshire
Dog training classes for adults and children in Surrey and Hampshire
Dog training classes for adults and children in Surrey and Hampshire

Classes for

Adventurous Adults

Classes for

Curious Kids

Solo Sessions (for sensitive hounds)

Circus of One

Supporting Dog Professionals

Dog training classes for adults and children in Surrey and Hampshire

We are delighted to be able to offer support to the busy dog behaviour professional who feels they are constantly juggling too many things! Let Dakota take that all important rehab work off your hands, freeing you up to spend more time delivering behaviour consultations directly to your clients.

Click through for more on how we can help.

Dog training classes for adults and children in Surrey and Hampshire

About Dakota

Dog training classes for adults and children in Surrey and Hampshire

Fabulously fun with a firm foundation

Dakota is a firecracker with substance in the dog training world.

Her infectious energy, enthusiasm and love of learning come right to the fore. Passionate about helping dogs and their owners achieve their full potential and enjoy positive relationships for life, Dakota has worked with humans and animals for many years.

Far from the bossy sergeant-major type you might typically find in your dog training forum, she is creative, spontaneous and intuitive in her approach. With over 15 years’ experience as a Norland Nanny, a degree in psychology and a postgrad in human-animal interaction and behaviour change, there’s no one better suited to run the Incredibly Clever Canine Circus.

No formulas, no failing, just fabulous fun!

Dog training classes for adults and children in Surrey and Hampshire
Dog training classes for adults and children in Surrey and Hampshire

musings from inside the tent

Dog training classes for adults and children in Surrey and Hampshire